Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd

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Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd Empty Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd

Mensaje por Rock till I die 16.04.10 7:08

Pretty Boy Floyd bassist Vinnie Chas has died. And Type O Negative frontman Peter Steele has also died. R.I.P. Vinnie and Peter.

The following message has been posted on Facebook by Aeriel Styles who
played with Vinnie and Pretty Boy Floyd: "In Memory Vinnie Chas. Dear
friends, I am extremely sad to confirm here that original Pretty Boy
Floyd bassist Vinnie Chas has passed away. There have been posts &
rumors on the net, so I called the company Vinnie worked for to confirm
it for myself. I do not have the all specific details and the family
wished to keep it private, so all I know at this time is that it was a
sudden onset of illness and he passed away over Easter weekend. He
called into work ill on Friday and when no one could reach him on
Monday, they sensed something was wrong and went to his home, where he
was found dead. Vinnie was going to be working with me on some new
recordings for Kery Doll, but unfortunately we ran out of time. I
rarely get the time to log on to Facebook, so forgive me if I cannot
respond to messages for some time. Plus, as you can imagine, this is
devastating news and I need some time to grieve. Aeriel Stiles."
Rock till I die
Rock till I die

Mensajes : 7995
Fecha de inscripción : 14/07/2008

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Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd Empty Re: Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd

Mensaje por Rock till I die 16.04.10 7:20
Rock till I die
Rock till I die

Mensajes : 7995
Fecha de inscripción : 14/07/2008

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Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd Empty Re: Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd

Mensaje por akhenaten666 16.04.10 10:40

Vaya día ha fallecido tb Vinnie Chas bajista de Pretty Boy Floyd Petesteelerip

Mensajes : 31554
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008

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