Jacket Thief. El nuevo proyecto de Scott Reeder (batería de Fu Manchu)

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 Jacket Thief. El nuevo proyecto de  Scott Reeder (batería de Fu Manchu) Empty Jacket Thief. El nuevo proyecto de Scott Reeder (batería de Fu Manchu)

Mensaje por Stonerider Lun 2 Oct 2023 - 18:53

Le estoy dando la primera escucha y me está gustando lo suficiente como para merecer tópic.  

Started in the Winter of 2021 and completed in early 2023, “Lights Out On The Shore” is a 12 song cycle written and performed by Scott Reeder, drummer of the band FU MANCHU. Having treaded many stages and studios over the past 22 years laying the foundation for the titans of “fuzz-wah” rock over 5 studio releases and playing live with artists as varied as Orianthi and Social Distortion, Scott has stretched into a melodic heavy and lyrically dense area of songwriting, rich in harmony and memorable riffs.

Collaborating with Grammy winning producer/engineer Ryan Mall (Dropkick Murphys, Old Crow Medicine Show/Gaslight Anthem), Reeder played all the instruments on the album and sings all vocals. Fu Manchu bandmate, Bob Balch, contributes lead guitars on all tracks except “Everything But Right” and the album closer, “As She Drifts,” which feature contributions from Mitchell Townsend (Matt Costa/Jack Johnson).

This limited edition 50 unit US LP run is pressed on blue/black splatter and includes a full color insert featuring photos taken by Reeder himself. All tracks were mastered specifically for this vinyl release.

“Flying Too Low”
“A Stitch In Time”
“Lights Out On The Shore”
“Furs And Fires”
“Lord Meade Lane”
“A Wind Gone By”
“Some Kind Of Murder”
“The First Ones From The Skies”
“Everything But Right”
“Daylight Apparitions”
“As She Drifts…”


Mensajes : 7266
Fecha de inscripción : 15/09/2008

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