Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

from the mars hotel
Sugar Bug
Criminal pentatónico
19 participantes

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Sugar Bug 16.08.10 16:46

sandiablo escribió:Por ejemplo,

Elderly woman de Pearl Jam
Estrofa y estribillo: Re, Do9*, Sol
Puente: La, Do9

Do9* Do9
3 0
3 3
0 0
2 2
3 3
x x

me traduce esto al cristiano?????
Sugar Bug
Sugar Bug

Mensajes : 111195
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por sandiablo 16.08.10 17:10

Sugar Bug escribió:
sandiablo escribió:Por ejemplo,

Elderly woman de Pearl Jam
Estrofa y estribillo: Re, Do9*, Sol
Puente: La, Do9

Do9* Do9
3 0
3 3
0 0
2 2
3 3
x x

me traduce esto al cristiano?????

La columna de la derecha es la tablatura de el acorde más típico de Do9. Se llama de 9ª porque tiene la 9ª nota de do en su escala diatónica mayor (que sería el do re mi fa sol la si de toda la vida), la nota re en este caso (ese 3 en la 2ª cuerda). La columna de la izquierda es la tablatura de otro acorde de Do9, al que he llamado Do9* por diferenciar. Éste, en vez de tener la 3ª repetida (el 0 en la 1ª cuerda), tiene la 5ª (el 3 en la 1ª cuerda).

Mensajes : 1752
Fecha de inscripción : 02/06/2008

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Sugar Bug 16.08.10 17:13

sandiablo escribió:
Sugar Bug escribió:
sandiablo escribió:Por ejemplo,

Elderly woman de Pearl Jam
Estrofa y estribillo: Re, Do9*, Sol
Puente: La, Do9

Do9* Do9
3 0
3 3
0 0
2 2
3 3
x x

me traduce esto al cristiano?????

La columna de la derecha es la tablatura de el acorde más típico de Do9. Se llama de 9ª porque tiene la 9ª nota de do en su escala diatónica mayor (que sería el do re mi fa sol la si de toda la vida), la nota re en este caso (ese 3 en la 2ª cuerda). La columna de la izquierda es la tablatura de otro acorde de Do9, al que he llamado Do9* por diferenciar. Éste, en vez de tener la 3ª repetida (el 0 en la 1ª cuerda), tiene la 5ª (el 3 en la 1ª cuerda).

ah, vale! las columnas de numeritos son el traste donde va el dedo en cada cuerda... ahora lo entiendo.
Sugar Bug
Sugar Bug

Mensajes : 111195
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Invitado 21.08.10 19:21

Waiting for the man de Veltet Underground.

Muy fácil y permite jugar con el ritmo sin complicaciones pudiendo hacer
variaciones entre los speeches del yonki impaciente.
También sirve pra la versión Bowie

I'm waitin' for my man

26 dollars in my hand

D F# G A
Up to Lexington, 125, feel sick and dirty more dead than alive

I'm waitin' for my man

Y así toda la canción


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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Invitado 21.08.10 19:35

Tan bonita como fácil Wing de Patti Smith:

Intro: A


I was a wing
in heaven blue
soared over the ocean
soared over Spain
and I was free
needed nobody
it was beautiful
it was beautiful

and if there's one thing
could do for you
you'd be a wing
in heaven blue

Ah ah ah aaaaaaah

Y así cada uno de los 3 versos


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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Sugar Bug 13.09.10 16:15

Honey bee escribió:Waiting for the man de Veltet Underground.

Muy fácil y permite jugar con el ritmo sin complicaciones pudiendo hacer
variaciones entre los speeches del yonki impaciente.
También sirve pra la versión Bowie

I'm waitin' for my man

26 dollars in my hand

D F# G A
Up to Lexington, 125, feel sick and dirty more dead than alive

I'm waitin' for my man

Y así toda la canción

nye, nye, nye...
Sugar Bug
Sugar Bug

Mensajes : 111195
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Invitado 11.11.10 2:30

Bruce Springsteen : The River

I [em]come from down in the [G]valley
Where [D]mister when you're [C]young
They [em]bring you up to [G]do [C]like your daddy [G]done
Me and [C]Mary we met in high school
When [G]she was just [D]seven[em]teen
We'd [am]drive out of this valley down to [G]where the fields were [C]green

We'd go [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we'd [D]ri[C]de

Then [em]I got Mary [G]pregnant
And [D]man that was all she [C]wrote
And [em]for my nineteenth [G]birthday I got a union [C]card and a wedding [G]coat
We [C]went down to the courthouse
And the [G]judge put it [D]all to [em]rest
No [am]wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle
No [G]flowers, no wedding [C]dress

That night we went [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we did [D]ri[C]de

I [em]got a job working con[G]struction for the [D]Johnstown Compa[C]ny
But [em]lately there ain't been [G]much work on ac[C]count of the econo[G]my
Now [C]all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they [G]vanished right [D]into the [em]air
Now I just [am]act like I don't remember
Mary [G]acts like she don't [C]care

But I re[em]member us riding in my [G]brother's car
Her body [D]tan and wet down at the [C]reservoir
At [em]night on them banks I'd [G]lie awake
And pull her [C]close just to feel each [G]breath she'd take
Now those [C]memories come back to haunt me
They [G]haunt me [D]like a [em]curse
Is a [am]dream a lie if it don't come true
Or [G]is it something [C]worse,
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river
Though I [D]know the river is [G]dry
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river to[D]ni[C]ght
[em]Down to the [C]river
My [D]baby and [G]I
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we [D]ri[C]de

em : mi menor

G : sol

D: re

C : do

Am : la menor


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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Emi 11.11.10 2:32

Honey escribió:Bruce Springsteen : The River

I [em]come from down in the [G]valley
Where [D]mister when you're [C]young
They [em]bring you up to [G]do [C]like your daddy [G]done
Me and [C]Mary we met in high school
When [G]she was just [D]seven[em]teen
We'd [am]drive out of this valley down to [G]where the fields were [C]green

We'd go [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we'd [D]ri[C]de

Then [em]I got Mary [G]pregnant
And [D]man that was all she [C]wrote
And [em]for my nineteenth [G]birthday I got a union [C]card and a wedding [G]coat
We [C]went down to the courthouse
And the [G]judge put it [D]all to [em]rest
No [am]wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle
No [G]flowers, no wedding [C]dress

That night we went [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we did [D]ri[C]de

I [em]got a job working con[G]struction for the [D]Johnstown Compa[C]ny
But [em]lately there ain't been [G]much work on ac[C]count of the econo[G]my
Now [C]all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they [G]vanished right [D]into the [em]air
Now I just [am]act like I don't remember
Mary [G]acts like she don't [C]care

But I re[em]member us riding in my [G]brother's car
Her body [D]tan and wet down at the [C]reservoir
At [em]night on them banks I'd [G]lie awake
And pull her [C]close just to feel each [G]breath she'd take
Now those [C]memories come back to haunt me
They [G]haunt me [D]like a [em]curse
Is a [am]dream a lie if it don't come true
Or [G]is it something [C]worse,
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river
Though I [D]know the river is [G]dry
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river to[D]ni[C]ght
[em]Down to the [C]river
My [D]baby and [G]I
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we [D]ri[C]de

emi menor

G : sol

D: re

C : do

Am : la menor

tengamos la fiesta en paz!

Mensajes : 8504
Fecha de inscripción : 21/05/2009

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Huevosconpatatas 11.11.10 11:31

Clásicos básicos:

Heart of Gold
Intro Em D Em (la si re mi music )
I wanna live... Em C D G
Keep me searchin... Em G C G

Rockin in a free world

Em D C
Keep on rockin... G D C Em

Mensajes : 52
Fecha de inscripción : 05/10/2010

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Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos - Página 3 Empty Re: Acordes esenciales de temas clásicos

Mensaje por Invitado 11.11.10 13:03

Emi escribió:
Honey escribió:Bruce Springsteen : The River

I [em]come from down in the [G]valley
Where [D]mister when you're [C]young
They [em]bring you up to [G]do [C]like your daddy [G]done
Me and [C]Mary we met in high school
When [G]she was just [D]seven[em]teen
We'd [am]drive out of this valley down to [G]where the fields were [C]green

We'd go [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we'd [D]ri[C]de

Then [em]I got Mary [G]pregnant
And [D]man that was all she [C]wrote
And [em]for my nineteenth [G]birthday I got a union [C]card and a wedding [G]coat
We [C]went down to the courthouse
And the [G]judge put it [D]all to [em]rest
No [am]wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle
No [G]flowers, no wedding [C]dress

That night we went [em]down to the [C]river
And [D]into the river we'd [G]dive
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we did [D]ri[C]de

I [em]got a job working con[G]struction for the [D]Johnstown Compa[C]ny
But [em]lately there ain't been [G]much work on ac[C]count of the econo[G]my
Now [C]all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they [G]vanished right [D]into the [em]air
Now I just [am]act like I don't remember
Mary [G]acts like she don't [C]care

But I re[em]member us riding in my [G]brother's car
Her body [D]tan and wet down at the [C]reservoir
At [em]night on them banks I'd [G]lie awake
And pull her [C]close just to feel each [G]breath she'd take
Now those [C]memories come back to haunt me
They [G]haunt me [D]like a [em]curse
Is a [am]dream a lie if it don't come true
Or [G]is it something [C]worse,
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river
Though I [D]know the river is [G]dry
That sends me [em]down to the [C]river to[D]ni[C]ght
[em]Down to the [C]river
My [D]baby and [G]I
Oh [em]down to the [C]river we [D]ri[C]de

emi menor

G : sol

D: re

C : do

Am : la menor

tengamos la fiesta en paz!



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