La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002.

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La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002. Empty La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002.

Mensaje por Peaky Blinder Mar 3 Ene 2012 - 14:50

Pues lo que muchos pensábamos y dudábamos, ahora ya no hay duda, el libro de Adriana Rubio es todo mentiras.

Aquí el texto original en ingles:

La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002. Layne961

This is from David de Sola’s blog. Layne Staley’s sister Liz Coats sent David a response to his previous blog. Here is Liz’s e-mail:

I personally have never read Adriana’s book. I did meet with her and speak with her at length. I also talked with Layne when I was contacted by her, and let him know of her intentions to write a book about him. He let me know that he wanted no part of it. He said that he did not trust journalists, and that they had never been honest in his experience. He also said for me to tell her, and I quote, “Tell her if she wants to write a book about someone, she should write it about herself.” Anyone who knew Layne would know that would be something he would say.

When I heard that Adriana claimed to have spoken to Layne, I knew the book would be full of lies, and I chose not to read it. The fact that she came out with that after his death made me sick. I regret that I ever spoke with her. In all of his wisdom, he was right again, and I unfortunately had to learn the hard way. She was not to be trusted.

You might wonder why I ever spoke with her in the first place. Imagine watching your big brother, this incredible man, trapped in his addiction, a personal hell on earth, for years and years. When I was first contacted by Adriana, I was so grateful that this woman from another country was so impressed by him, and wanted to tell his story, and honor him this way. I wanted Layne to know, or hear again, how much he was admired and loved, as he was such an extraordinary person. I even had the hope that a book written honoring him, might be one of the things that might change his course. You grasp at straws after you’ve watched someone you love go through such strife for so long.

I’m glad so many people realize what a joke this book was. I hate the thought of people believing her lies, but I know the truth, and that’s why I will never read the book. No point.
Peaky Blinder
Peaky Blinder

Mensajes : 3436
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2010

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La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002. Empty Re: La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002.

Mensaje por atila Mar 3 Ene 2012 - 18:36

Adriana,por si leyéses esto:


Mensajes : 30776
Fecha de inscripción : 20/07/2008

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La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002. Empty Re: La hermana de Layne Staley niega que entrevistaran a Layne en 2002.

Mensaje por michi Jue 5 Abr 2012 - 9:38

no conocía esto


hoy se cumplen diez años ya

Mensajes : 15953
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008

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