Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española

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Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española Empty Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española

Mensaje por Rock till I die Sáb 16 Nov 2013 - 20:43

Danny Vaughn, cantante de Tyketto y Waysted, residente en Estepona.

Well, now that my show has gone out I can tell this story here as well. If any of you happened to purchase the new Burning Kingdom album, "Simplified" on which I am singing the lead vocals you may have put it on and heard the intro piece and thought to yourself "What the F**k"? Well so did the band. When we were gathered together a month or so ago to listen to the final mixes, the intro piece, entitled "Stay Awake", was played for us for the first time. It had nothing to do with the band, didn't feature any of the band members playing on it and, after a quick whip round, was unanimously voted off of the album. It seems that the engineer used valuable studio time to create this silly piece in order to give the album "a more modern edge". We were embarrassed and horrified and glad to see it go. Until......the final print of the cd and booklet gets sent to me and there it is, back on the album and too late to take it off as it was already sent off to the printers. When I protested (loudly) to Avispa Records, Burning Kingdom's record label, I was told that they decided to put it back on because the time spent in the studio cost too much money, so they had to use it. Truth? The engineer and writer of this nonsense is also the son of the head of the record label. How ridiculous is that? So I'm asking anyone that bought the album and found the intro as bad as I did to please send them a quick note telling them what you think. It needn't be abusive. Just express your opinion. Their address is: avispaweb@avispamusic.com Please share and thanks for your help!

Última edición por Rock till I die el Sáb 16 Nov 2013 - 21:14, editado 1 vez
Rock till I die
Rock till I die

Mensajes : 7995
Fecha de inscripción : 13/07/2008

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Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española Empty Re: Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española

Mensaje por Perry go round Sáb 16 Nov 2013 - 20:48

Menuda puta vergüenza que te hagan algo así. Pones toda tu ilusión y esfuerzo y te gastas el dinero en grabar un disco del que estar orgulloso y te meten un montón de mierda (no lo he escuchado, pero da igual lo que sea, no es lo que el artista quería en su disco y sólo por eso ya merece ser calificado de mierda), jodiendote toda la ilusión y buen rollo que habías puesto en el esfuerzo de hacer un disco. facepalm 
Perry go round
Perry go round

Mensajes : 22752
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2008

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Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española Empty Re: Un cantante americano dándose de bruces con la industria del disco española

Mensaje por Godofredo Sáb 16 Nov 2013 - 21:05

Vaya toalla.

Por cierto, hace no mucho estuvo tocando con los smokers, que son de estepona, para muestra un botón, de los que gustan a zasca Laughing :


Mensajes : 144569
Fecha de inscripción : 25/03/2008

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