Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie)

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Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Empty Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie)

Mensaje por keith_caputo 18.06.15 10:51

El músico y director de cine Rob Zombie ha adquirido, junto a Miranda Bailey, los derechos de la biografía de Groucho Marx titulada Raised Eyebrows, que contará con un guión adaptado cortesía de Oren Moverman (The Messenger y la reciente Love & Mercy, sobre la vida de Brian Wilson).

Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Groucho-Marx

Raised Eyebrows nos lleva a los últimos días de Groucho Marx desde las experiencias del responsable de estas memorias, Steve Stollar, un aficionado al trío que se convierte en secretario personal de Groucho, a través del cual no solo conocce al resto de hermanos, sino a auténticas leyendas del cine y la TV como Mae West, Bob Hope, Jack Lemmon o George Burns. Pero siempre hay asociada una trampa, y en este caso es la enfrentada relación que mantendrá con Erin Fleming, la mujer encargada de la vida personal y profesional del intérprete, ya en decadencia.

Zombie, que concibe este proyecto bajo la influencia de El Crepúsculo de los Dioses, producirá la película junto a Andy Hoyld y la propia Bailey.

Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Rob-zombie-704284

Última edición por keith_caputo el 14.07.15 20:59, editado 1 vez

Mensajes : 30769
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008

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Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Empty Re: Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie)

Mensaje por keith_caputo 01.07.15 4:51

Parece ser q 31 sera la ultima pelicula de terror de Rob Zombie. Despues de esta, como sabeis, se pondra con el biopic de Groucho y despues parece ser q quiere retomar la pelicula deportiva Broad Street Bullies

Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) 11df79_rob-zombie-groucho-marx

“I have been a huge Groucho Marx fan ever since I was a child and have read countless book on the comic legend, but after reading the book Raised Eyebrows, a totally new perspective on Groucho’s life emerged,” said Zombie in the release. “I immediately saw this project as Groucho’s Sunset Boulevard and knew I had to bring it to the big screen. It is a sad, funny and very dark tale of a one of Hollywood’s greatest stars final years.”

Mensajes : 30769
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008

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Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Empty Re: Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie)

Mensaje por keith_caputo 14.07.15 21:00

According to The Pulse Of Radio, Rob Zombie shared some surprising insights about his upcoming Groucho Marx film in a recent interview with Loudwire.

While Zombie made his mark as a film director working on horror films, he is taking a new direction with his latest project on Marx. Zombie said about his reasoning: "It's really hard to break out because horror movies are so profitable. Once you start doing something that is profitable, that is all that everybody wants, because all they see is dollar signs."

He continued: "But then I had read this book 'Raised Eyebrows', about the last years of Groucho Marx's life. I mean, I had read it years ago. I never thought about making a movie about it. And then Tyler Bates, who had done some of the scores for my 'Halloween' movies, said, 'Oh, a friend of mine is friends with this guy Steve Stoliar, who wrote that book. He was so excited that you read it.' So I was, like, 'Fuck it,' and I immediately called Steve and was, like, 'We have got to make this into a movie.' And he was just about to sign a deal with somebody else, and I was, like, 'Don't do anything!' And then I bought the rights from him."

Zombie is in post-production on his latest horror film, "31".

Groucho Marx Biopic (Directed By Rob Zombie) Robzombie31preprod_638

Mensajes : 30769
Fecha de inscripción : 26/03/2008

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