Andre Joyzi bateria Breed77 Detras de Camara Entrevista

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Andre Joyzi bateria Breed77 Detras de Camara Entrevista Empty Andre Joyzi bateria Breed77 Detras de Camara Entrevista

Mensaje por Visual Muse Media 03.04.21 8:56

En Español.

*The Story Behind with my brother Andre Joyzi​

The most special behind scene interview episode and the coolest too,)

With photos clip plus a videoclip behind scene of the original

interview with a bit, of that crazy Pure Rock days at The Intrepid Fox​.

Rock on Foxes!!!

#Heavymetal #MetalRock #Headbangers #metalheads #behindscene #thestorybehind

#breed77 #chopsuey #killiswichuk #entrevistasbandasderock #heavymetalentrevistas

#detrasdecamara #hardrock

Visual Muse Media
Visual Muse Media

Mensajes : 36
Fecha de inscripción : 11/10/2020

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